Mankind has been exploiting the mother nature from beginning by causing air, water, noise pollution and many more, which causes the global warming. Instead of making our mistakes right we are destroying the major thing which helps stopping the global warming I.e., Plants and Trees, for the sake of so called ‘development’.
As individuals we should promote greenery around us as it is beneficial for both our planet as well as for our health, this can be done by propagating plants either indoor or outdoor.
Today we are going to list down some of the best indoor plants to have in your household, office etc.
1. Weeping fig
This plant has been recognized by the NASA for its extremely powerful qualities of purifying the air, and improving the air quality by removing VOCs like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene which are harmful for humans. This plant is commonly known as ficus.
Water this plant only when the few inches of the soil is dry and they only appreciate indirect sun light.
But while this plant has some pros this also have some cons as well; this plant is toxic to pets and children in some cases to adults as well it is because of its milky sap (liquid milky thing) which is present in stem and lives. Eating, chewing or even if you come in the contact with it, it can cause itchiness in eyes, skin irritation, coughing etc.
2. Dracaena
Dracaena is genus which has around 120 species of plants and trees in it. Some of the most popular indoor plants among them are gold dust dracaena, snake plant (mother-in-law’s tongue) and dracaena reflexa (song of India).
These plants have been known for their air purifying capabilities, they help removing formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, CO2 etc.
Avoid overwatering at all cost otherwise the roots will rot. Keep them in indirect light.
Though dracaena plants are safe for human beings if come in contact with these plants but some people are allergic to these so make sure that you are not allergic to them before you buy one.
And these plants are highly toxic for dogs and cats, if they eat it symptoms can be seen like diarrhoea, vomiting, excessive drooling, weakness, disorientation and loss of appetite.
3. Rubber fig
Rubber fig or you may know them as rubber plant, rubber tree or rubber Bush. This plant requires low maintenance as you only need to water them once a week but while they are in their growing period you should keep them moist.
This plant is also good in balancing the CO2 and oxygen level in your house. Although this plant is a great option for your indoor garden but at the same time it is toxic to people and pets because of its sap, so you should keep it at higher level from the ground away from children and pets’ reach.
4. Peace lily
This is one of the most attractive plant on this list of best indoor plants. Peace lily is actually a genus just like dracaena, peace lily (spathiphyllum) has several species of flowering plants in it, and you can choose among them according to your preferences, the basic difference among them is of flowers size and colour. It also purifies air by neutralizing the air, it removes toxic gasses like formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.
These plants are extremely easy to grow since they require little amount of attention and care.
You only need to water them once their soil is little dry, in other words keep them moist but do avoid overwatering and put them in indirect sun light.
Peace lilies are toxic for humans and animals (especially for dogs and cats) so be careful with them, place them out of the reach of pets and children.
5. Aloe vera
Aloe Vera plant, this is the plant which needs no introduction it is one the most useful plants out there, aloe vera can be used on your skin, on your hair, for wound healing, etc. But do you know that aloe vera also cleanses the air by removing VOCs and releases fresh oxygen.
Aloe vera is low maintenance plant like most indoor plants, which makes it perfect option for people who are always in hurry, as it only requires very less water once a week in winters and twice a week in summers would be enough. And they require indirect light.
6. Spider plant
Spider plant also known as airplane plant is very useful when it comes to cleansing the air in your house, it’s because it removes the certain chemical gasses which are harmful to humans for instance- (formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, etc.).
This plant requires both indirect and direct Sunlight, partially. Say you keep this plant outside for about 2–3 hours and then bring it in, then place it somewhere where it is exposed to indirect light, remember to much heat might damage this plant.
As for the watering part, it needs little bit of water every now and then, just water it when the soil is dry.
Spider plant is usually not a poisonous plant for humans and pets, but if dogs and cat eat this plant it might cause little bit of vomiting and diarrhoea, but if your dog or cat has eaten multiple plants from the above list immediately take them to VETs, as you might not know which one they have been eating the toxic or non-toxic one.
7. Pothos
Also known as devil’s vine, devil’s ivy, money plant, etc. This plant is known for its huge varieties which includes golden pothos, neon pothos, silver pothos, marble queen pothos, etc. Which removes toxic pollutants from air, and it is very easy to grow.
These plants usually grow in bright indirect sunlight but they also tolerate low or medium direct sunlight, and they’ll also service in shady area as well, but little sunlight would be required time-to-time. Watering these plants once a week should be enough, but don’t water it if its top part of the soil is moist let it dry first.
These plants are little toxic, if they are ingested it might cause vomiting, diarrhoea and irritation. If the sap of it touched it might cause skin rash or itchiness.